Marjorie Cobero
Software Engineer
Website | Linked In | Github | | Los Angeles, CA
Programming Skills: HTML5,
Frameworks & Libraries: Bootstrap,
Tools & Platforms: Git, Github, AWS
JavaScript, CSS3, Python
React*, Node.js, React Native*,
EC2, Balsamiq, Bash, Docker*,
Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL*
Django, REST API, JSON, Vanilla.js
Others: Googling
*I have some exposure with these technologies, but i am still learning them and may need to brush up on them
Software Developer Intern, LiveStock City, Remote
August 2021 - Present
● Worked in collaboration with the CEO and the team to modernize and enhance the Django REST framework website
application, using Python OOP, PostgreSQL to store the database and Docker for containerization.
● Coded test programs and evaluated existing engineering processes to ensure a well-tested, readable and maintainable
Dojo Swag | Open Source | Demo
● Collaborated remotely with 3 other developers, leveraging GitHub, Zoom, and Discord. Exploited agile methodology and
daily stand-ups to plan, tech talks, coordinate, support, and deliver a functional MVP in 14 days.
● Owned the development of back-end logic and site functionality. Led quality assurance testing, identifying bugs,
implementing fixes, and analyzing optimization tests that led towards a deployed-ready website.
Artwall | E-Commerce web app for artists | Demo
● Planned and built application end-to-end with a Python Django framework with multiple apps including researching,
testing and troubleshooting, applying Javascript and strong OOP properties to design data models.
● Streamlined a payment gateway through integration of third party API (Stripe and Paypal) enabling a secure,
cost-efective, and enriched user experience.
● A user-friendly design for an easy to use Admin tool to manage user’s artwork to seamlessly add, edit, delete and
categorize from live site.
Your Thoughts | Social Media app | Demo
A prototype Twitter mockup product using Python Django framework.
● Utilized JSON Web Tokens and local storage to store encrypted user information client-side and bcrypt server-side.
Implemented a MySQL database for a quick and reliable data storage solution.
Portfolio | Demo
● Bootstrap and vanilla.js were used to create a fully responsive design, with Google Analytics integrated to analyze trafic.
Full Stack Development, Coding Dojo Bootcamp, Remote
January 2021 - May 2021
Logistics Technology, Hinds Community College, Mississippi
August 2017 - May 2019